
The investment in plumbing must suit consumer needs. Research shows that the public demands quieter plumbing. The Buteline PB-1 Plumbing System eliminates noisy operation and water hammer commonly found with hard metal systems with quick acting valves, and is thus very quiet.

Sound Attenuation

Polybutene-1 (PB-1) has the lowest density of all materials used in plumbing pipe work (as shown in the table below), and therefore has the greatest sound attenuation.

Material Density (g/cm3) Sound Velocity (m/s)
Polybutene-1 (PB-1) 0.93 620
PE-X 0.95 800
Copper 7.20 3,900

As shown on previous pages, Polybutene-1 (PB-1) has a greater bore for a given outside diameter due to the comparative thinness of the pipe wall, and therefore less sound is generated from water-flow through the pipe.

Compared to other systems, sound attenuations are further enhanced in the Buteline PB-1 Plumbing System due to the use of smooth-bore engineering resin fittings instead of metal fittings.

Pressure Surge Behaviour (Water Hammer)

If installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, Buteline PB-1 pipe virtually eliminates water hammer. The elasticity of the product helps to absorb surge impact, both laterally and longitudinally, and the lower density of the Polybutene-1 (PB-1) coupled with the elasticity of PB-1 means less sound velocity (620m/s, compared to the 800m/s of PE-X), translating to less noise.

Obviously, the design of any installation is critical in ensuring the quiet operation of the installed plumbing system. Proper consideration should be given to the arrangement of rooms and the corresponding layout of sanitary equipment.



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